Sunday June 24
We got up early and headed over to Emily's to drop off some stuff we are leaving in Amsterdam until we fly home. Of course it was raining! So we rode the bus to Central Station. Once there, we just missed a train heading for the airport because the wrong track was listed. We caught the next train, and made it to our flight fine. We are all very tired today. Emily slept on the plane, Jill and I read. We saw the Alps, they were beautiful. I'm excited to see them from the ground. We landed and got lost leaving the airport and went through customs twice. Two Italy stamps ! Took a bit to find the guy with our name on his paper to take us to our loft. When we did find him he didn't say anything, I thought it was awkward. We jumped in his Mercedes and we were off.
We are staying in a loft apartment, it has a small air conditioner, but it's hot! It's on the third floor and the elevator is tiny and scary. Robbie and the luggage rode up in it , and the girls rode it once but couldn't get off on our floor, I will not be taking it!
After we had some lunch. Spaghetti carbonara for me, pizza for everyone else. We started off looking to take a bus tour, but could never find the start of one, so we walked and walked. We found the colosseum and went in to walk around that. It was pretty amazing to stand in something that old with that much history. We left there and had a snack and drinks, Rome makes us thirsty. We then came back to our place. We don't have Internet which is driving us crazy!!!! They are trying to fix it. Robbie and I went for a walk right around our apartment building. We saw the Castel st Angelo and it seems around every turn is a monument of some sort. We are very close to Vatican city and will walk there in the morning. We got some gelato and then off to bed. I dozed off but was awoken to constant honking and yelling, I'm guessing this means Italia won the football match that was in overtime.
Dad had asked me to look in a phone book if I saw one, it was funny that on the way up the steps we found one, there is a Paolo Loffredo living in Rome, as well as Loffreda's and Perazelli's.
One of the funniest things of the day was the lady walking with her rolling suitcase and it kept tipping over, right in front of us she started yelling and kicking it. She then explained she had been dragging it for two miles. We laughed that maybe her vacation was going worse than ours, we haven't kicked our luggage YET!